20.11.2021 | 17:24
Žaš žarf aš setja žennan mann ķ fangelsi!
Til aš byrja meš er alveg ónaušsynleg aš bólusetja
fulloršna einstaklinga, hvaš žį börn, ég skal segja ykkur
Žaš aš samlandar minnir Armenar eru ašeins um 7% og
vęntanlega stęrri hluti meš fölsk skilrķki fyrir sprautun,
og ef eitthvaš er žį er vandamįliš ekki meira en į Ķslandi.
Hér kemur stęrsta spurning: afhverju ķ andskotanum fį ekki
einstaklingar sem hafa yfir komiš žessa kvef pest og eru
meš mótefni ķ blóšinu sömu réttindi og fólki sem hefur veriš
sprautaš, ef mašur horfir į žetta leikrit sér mašur aš žetta
snżst ekki um aš lękkna fólk, žetta snżst um aš sprauta sem
og ef einhver er meš samsęriskenningar žį er žetta
andskotarnnir sem vilja sprauta alla.
fólk ętti aš horfa ķ hringum sig meta ašstęšur sjįlft en
ekki lįta fjölmišla fylla hausana į fólki meš hręšsluįróšri!
hér er ein góš saga į ensku af tilraun:
Power of Suggestion
The power of suggestion was proved scientifically. Baron Nils Posse narrated an unusual experiment that changed history in his renowned book; Hypnotism it was about an Experiment that was conducted by a scientist during Napoleon III time. Here a scientist was authorized possession of a criminal with the consent of Napoleon III to explore the relationship between the body and the mind. The prisoner was sentenced to death by law but handed over to the scientist to carry out his experiment.
The criminal thought that his death sentence was clear. The scientist SUGGESTED to the man that he was going to open his carotid artery. The criminal was created to understand that his blood would be taken out by bleeding him to death on a marked day. On the schedule date the scientist had the criminal tied to a table with his eyes blind folded. The criminals ears were however left free with the intention so that he could hear everything that would take place.
In captivity of the prisoner the scientist took a needle and made a light scratch on the neck of the criminal and the scientist preplanned a small water tap that was dropping water into a bowl that was placed underneath the table. Silence prevailed as many watched. The criminal heard the water dropping sound from the tap and since he was blind folded, he believed that the terrifying sound was by his own blood flowing away from his body. The prisoner was left in that condition. The prisoner died within six minutes. Only a minor scratch was given and in fact not even a drop of blood emerged his body, but yet he died because he believed that his own blood was flowing out by hearing the droplet sound of the water tap. The prisoner strongly believed that his death was certain and in creation of his imagination so he died. Parallel is the relationship between mind and body.
What is believed or thought in the mind is actually effected in the body. The above experiment very well documents the power of suggestion. By using suggestion one can overcome any type of problem.
Excerpt: Taken from Manual Creative Visualization- Self Hypnosis & Prof Meditation Manual. Dr Watson
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Bóluefnasending fyrir yngri börn į leišinni |
Tilkynna um óvišeigandi tengingu viš frétt |
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Peter Skoog
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Uppfęrt į 3 mķn. fresti.
Flokkarnir į alžingi žurfa ekki aš samžykkja tillögur sóttvarnarlęknisins frekar en žeir vilja.
Žau įkveša aš "kóa meš" honum og eru žį vęntanlega oršin samsek honum aš žķnum dómi eša hvaš?
Jón Žórhallsson, 20.11.2021 kl. 17:42
Mikiš er ég sammįla žér, hann er ekkert annaš en forhertur glępamašur! Žaš er bśiš aš tilkynna um 5.567 aukaverkanir bara hér į landi, žar af 32 andlįt og 199 ašrar lķfsógnandi, og nś ętlar hann aš sprauta litlu krakkana lķka!
Kristķn Inga Žormar, 20.11.2021 kl. 21:23
Bęta viš athugasemd [Innskrįning]
Ekki er lengur hęgt aš skrifa athugasemdir viš fęrsluna, žar sem tķmamörk į athugasemdir eru lišin.